Studio Animation Films was set up in 2011, originally as an independent association of artists who had been occupying themselves with professional production in the field of animated film for many years.
In 2013 the independent association ceased operations and the company Animation Films, s.r.o. was established.
Studio Animation Films s.r.o. is a professional film studio producing animated films. We cooperate with many leading Czech artists, directors, screenwriters and musicians, such as Gene Deitch, Miroslav Gál, Lucie Dvořáková, Klára Smolíková, Zdeněk Zdeněk, studio Anima s.r.o. and many others.
Currently, we are preparing several animated series for our youngest viewers (see the section “NEWS”).
In order to achieve our goals, we are seeking partners, sponsors and co-producers who can support our production. In exchange, they are provided with advertising for their companies, products, etc.
Klára Smolíková
Klára was born in 1974. She has published articles and cooperated on teaching texts during her studies at the Department of Aesthetics and Department of Cultural Theory of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. Later, she has devoted herself to writing for children’s magazines, written educational materials for textbooks and created tens of primary school handout sets. Her author works are focused mainly on children’s readers, but they also include publications for young adult readers – H.U.S. (Kalich 2015) and adults – Mrtvá šelma (“Dead Predator”, Plus 2015). She is the author of several screenplays for radio fairy tales and screenplays for audiovisual processing. Among her award-winning works belong Viktorka a vesmírná dobrodružství (“Viktorka and the Space Adventures”, Portál 2014) for which she received the 2015 Zlatá stuha (“Gold Ribbon”) prize and which, selecting from 36 titles, was awarded the Best book for children (2013/2014). Her book Husité (“The Hussites”, Albatros 2012) received this prize the previous season (2012/13). She has also worked in the Hussite and National Museums, engaged herself in pedagogical activities and led a seminar about media education at Charles University.
Jaromír Gál
Jaromír Gál was born in 1938 in Boršice u Blatnice. He works as an artist and designer, scenarist and author of theme. His works include Jak jedna paní dostala psaní (1967), Strážce majáku (1968), Mraveniště (1969), Zpívající loď (1971), Kuželky (1974), Dobrodružství slípky Pipky (1981) a favourite series for childrens Žížaláci (2009). As a screenwriter, and creator of the theme, he participated in the Gogo and Figi (2008) and he wrote the screenplay for an animated series Bugo a Pikola.
František Mlčák
František was born in 1964 in Valašské Meziříčí, Czech republic. He studied animation, advertising, PR and marketing comunication at the Academy of Performing Arts FAMU in Prague. He worked as an animator on the series Bob and Bobek. He participated in the animation projects LIZZIE Mcquire, DOREDO and ANTON. He was involved in the animated film HELGA L-520. Since 2010, he has co-owned the czech production company Animation Films s. r. o.